Preparing for Adulthood! 21 Things I Have Learned in 21 Years
Tomorrow I am a year older, hitting the big 21 milestone. I am looking forward to my birthday, myself and Will are celebrating our six month anniversary tonight so birthday celebrations will commence tomorrow, kicking off the weekend!
I can't tell you that I feel any different but I certainly look back to my life a year ago and I have definitely learned a thing or two more. I think that once you get to a certain age, you start realising that regardless of how your 16 year old self would argue, you do not know everything. In fact, there is so much more to learn and experience that you probably know very little.
What I have learned is valuable to me, I feel slightly more prepared for life this year and that may be because I am about to embark on my next adventure and feeling happy about it but it is likely all down to the fact I am older and wiser.
So here is my 21st birthday gift to you, 21 things I have learned in 21 years of my life.
No I don't mean your sofa or kitchen table, I mean all big decisions, arguments or worries should be slept on. If they still matter in the morning, proceed and if not, they didn't really matter anyway.
Not Every Action Needs a Reaction
Sometimes, you just simply have to let things be. That customer is nagging you to death? It is what it is. Your car has a flat tyre? Sure, get it fixed but accept that it is what it is. It does'nt make a difference to anyone or help the situation if it is elevated, so why waste your breath?
Friends And Family are Everything
This one is a given, I learned this very early on but hold them close, your mother, your brother, your best friend.
Love Unconditionally and Love Freely
My mother raised me with this mindset. It all stems from the fact that if something someone does can change the way you feel about them, that's not love.
For God's Sake, Admit it When You're Wrong
Stubbornness will be the end of you, accepting our mistakes and learning from them is imperative for personal growth and it will make life much easier to learn your flaws and move on.
Not Everyone Will Like You
You can never please everyone! You can try, but why waste your time trying to be someone you aren't so that everyone can like the version of you that they see.
Love your me-time.
Taking time to work on yourself is okay. Self love is okay. Sometimes you need space from the world to reflect on how you're doing today.
Liquid gold. Need I say more?
Dashboard Warning Lights are On Your Car for a Reason!
Seriously, change your oil! Refill your screenwash because you will end up stuck on the A45 with bugs all over your windscreen and an odd smell wafting through your vents.
Pictures are Important
I am all for living in the moment, but there's nothing better than looking back on a photo and the song you were dancing to playing in your head or the warmth from the sun practically hitting your face.
There, Their and They're
If they learn it in Year 7, you should know it by now!
Saying No is OK
It's okay to stay in and watch a movie instead of going out on a night out. It's okay to say no to plans if you simply don't want to go. If you don't want to do anything, saying no is okay.
Listen To People
You may think you look like you're paying attention and listening to your friend's story about their trip to Mexico, but you don't. I know you've seen it all on Instagram and read all of the Twitter updates but listening goes a long way. Listen. Think. Reply.
It's probably the most important thing I have learned. I have never found anything worrying but I always check. It's better to catch something nasty early than too late. For more information and advice, visit here.
You will not need it as much as they make you think you will in school. In fact, I have never used it in my adult life and do not plan to!
The World Really Was Built for Two
I couldn't imagine life without my amazing boyfriend Will, he has changed my life incredibly and it really wouldn't be my world without him in it. Don't get me wrong, I had to kiss a lot of frogs to get there but the wait was definitely worth it. Take my word for it!
As much as you want to splurge that paycheck on ASOS and Missguided, what are you going to do when you suddenly need cash for an unexpected problem with your car? Or if your phone smashes and your insurance sucks? Live well within your means, developing budget skills is hard but once you (sort of) master it, you're better off.
It's a Big World Out There
There's so many places to explore and sights to see! If you think you've seen it all, you really haven't. Take that flight to Bali, say yes to the road trip with your friends, even a trip to a museum to find out interesting history is expanding your knowledge of the world.
Trust Your Gut
It's always helpful to seek advice but ultimately you can only go with your gut.
What Suzie Says of Sally Says More of Suzie than Sally
If you’re going to judge and make assumptions on people then gossip about it, accept that this is going to shape how people view you, too. Voice opinions, sure but never put yourself in a situation where you look malicious or bitchy. It really isn’t a good look.
Finally... 21
Love yourself!
Seriously, you’re beautiful! Nobody has a body, mind or soul remotely similar to yours so embrace that and look after yourself by loving yourself unconditionally.
Until next time
G x
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