Working Away From Home | I Said Yes To Adventure

I have never been happier and I am so thankful that we made the decision to move. At first, when I got here I found it kind of surreal being so apart from my family and my friends, I missed them more than I could bear and I found it hard to settle in, making it ten times harder for myself to adapt to my new lifestyle and routine. After around a month and a half, I began to settle, realising I can talk to my friends and family any time over the phone and arrange to go back and visit and I began making friends properly out here. Shout out to everyone at the chateau who has made me laugh
so far!
I have also found it hard with learning a new language. I have picked up so much French and improved my vocabulary since being here but I'm still working on my grammar and putting the words in sentences. To be honest, none of the French staff mind as they still understand what I'm saying when I say it but it would be great if I could become a little more fluent.
This job is like none I've had before and it's because of this and other reasons that I have decided to apply for another contract next year. Will and I have applied for different job roles than the ones we have now, only because we have figured out what we would like to get out of working for this company and I'm so excited to see what next year holds. We have been able to do so much since working here too, we've been home, been to Paris and flew to Venice and back to see the sights and have a beach getaway. The plan is to go home for Christmas, visit Barcelona for New Year's, visit Thailand for two weeks in January then come back here in February.
I strongly urge anyone wondering whether to take that job, move to that house, seize that opportunity to do it. I took so long umming and ahhhing that I could have been here sooner but once I decided to do it, it made my life so much more fun and exciting!
Until next time...
G x
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