Autumn Is Coming | Goals

Orange leaves, cold breezes, hot chocolate, the smell of rain. Autumn is coming! Summer has been amazing this year, I feel like I've done everything I wanted to do when it rolled around and I'm slowly getting excited for autumn. It's my favourite season of the year, I absolutely love Winter but Autumn is the time where you can start getting cosy and wearing berry and orange colours, drinking hot drinks all the time and snuggle up earlier in the evenings.

It's a little odd this year as I'm away from home and usually, myself and my mum go conker picking or kick around in the leaves when we walk my dog. This year I have my work family and Will to enjoy that with and I'm more than excited to be sitting in our room watching the leaves turn. I am actually typing this as it's pouring it down outside. Will and I have planned to go to a nearby town for the afternoon and refuse to let any rain stop us, I love the rain and sometimes I prefer to watch it from inside but I am looking forward to having a stroll and a coffee.

Summer has really been great too, I had an amazing birthday, sat on beaches, explored New York, had barbecues and then headed to France for concerts, sun and late warm evenings drinking with friends. It's always a satisfying feeling going into Autumn when you've had a lovely summer because you're really ready to go into the colder evenings and darker mornings. I am definitely going to struggle getting up in the mornings when it's toasty and dark in my room but that's the case every year, it's all part of the fun.

Anyway, I had set myself goals going into the New Year of 2018 that aren't yet fulfilled. Don't get me wrong, I have achieved many but there are some still waiting.

By the end of Autumn I will;

Lower my sugar and junk food intake
Be blonde again!
Have another tattoo
Have traveled a little more

I can't wait to hopefully look back on this by the end of Autumn and be able to say I've achieved them all, watch this space!

Until next time...

G x


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