Shower/Skincare/Morning Routines | The Trend
This one is one of those actual shower ideas, the ones that come to you whilst you're washing your hair or just deep in thought with the water running. I thought about how I have my own little routine going and would it be blog worthy or just patronising? I mean, everyone has their own skincare routines and shower routines that just work for them and if they have their own, why would they change it?
This isn't a routine post and nor is this all of the products that I use, but I would 100% recommend everything that I post here as it works wonders for me, I've finally perfected looking after my skin and hair (somehow!)
In the shower I use Aussie Miracle Moist Shampoo and Conditioner as my hair has been dyed blonde for two years so it keeps the moisture and condition of my hair the same. I like the Soap and Glory Clean on Me for washing my body, it smells absolutely amazing.
After my shower to keep my hair feeling silky I use Aussie 3 Miracle Oil, it looks after any split ends too! I use Arm-A-Gooden by Soap and Glory for my arms as it keeps them smooth, for the rest of my body I like to moisturise with their body butter, The Righteous Butter.
I use Clinique's Dramatically Different moisturiser which I've been using for about two years now on my face and it's made huge changes in my skin. I only use a pump before bed and it does the trick, keeping my skin hydrated and fresh.
If you end up using any of these, please try the Aussie 3 Miracle Oil for your hair, it is amazing with damaged hair or healthy hair because it leaves it feeling so healthy and silky even after the first use! Plus it smells a-ma-zing.
If you have any recommendations, let me know!
Until next time...
G x
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